Bockholt Inc. Bockholt Inc.


Basal, A Private Residence on Woodside Ave. in Park City UT

We knocked a wall out of the house to create an opening to the outdoor space. We wanted to be bold, so we made it as large as the kitchen is wide, and boy did it pay off! What is even more amazing is what you don’t see. We designed a suspended slab with slot drains over silva-cells to allow loose soil for the tree to thrive in, and allow the added runoff from the patio’s into the ground...Brilliant! The focal tree, Acer ginalla is a modestly sized tree yet large enough to shade much of the patio. Its multi-trunk provides contrast to the sculptural shadow wall behind in both form and color.

  • Categories:
  • Skills:
    • Construction Administration
    • Engineering
    • Hand Drawing
    • Historical Preservation
    • Irrigation Design
    • Land F/X
    • Landscape Architecture
    • Photoshop
    • Planning
    • Planting Design
    • Sketch Up
    • Working Drawings
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