Bockholt Inc. Bockholt Inc.

The Woonerf Design

Commissioned to conduct a site and landscape inventory, analysis and provide recommendations as to solutions to possible problems. The Bockholt team produced 3 Community Master Plan options for Fox Point with the result of increased aesthetics and safety for residents, decreased water use and maintenance expenses. Fox Point at Redstone is a 250 unit HOA built several years ago that was in need of site and landscape re-design. The street and landscape was originally designed in a very typical manner for such developments, but due to the unique circumstances of weather, snow removal, and user needs in Park City the site and landscape have suffered extreme damage in a short time. The HOA has contracted with Bockholt for Working Drawings and Construction Administration for one of the Three options to be phased for implementation in 2016-2017. The scope will include and complete landscape remodel to increase grade variation for run-off- incorporate bio-swales into park strips to increase water percolation and onsite retention during major storm events. New signage at two entrances, boulevards at the entries, Snow storage areas, and an overall reduction in turf and the design of a native and natural feeling water-wise landscape.